Friday September 20, 2024 2:01 AM

Salt is essential for your body to function correctly. Composed of sodium chloride, it is a crucial electrolyte that helps maintain the body’s fluid balance. Salt also plays a key role in transmitting nerve signals, regulating blood pressure, and muscle contractions.

The Role of Salt in the Body

Salt is needed to keep your body’s fluid balance stable. It also aids the nervous system in sending signals to muscles to contract properly. However, it’s important not to consume too much. Excessive salt intake can lead to health issues like high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

How Much Salt Do We Need?

A certain amount of salt is necessary for optimal body function. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults and children over 2 years old consume less than 5 grams of salt per day. This amount is roughly one teaspoon of salt, including both naturally occurring salt in foods and added salt. For children under 2, even lower levels are advised.

Daily Intake and Health Risks

Following WHO guidelines can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. The minimum sodium requirement for the body is estimated at 575 milligrams per day, equating to about 1.5 grams of salt. However, individual needs can vary based on physical activity and climate.

Reducing Salt Intake

Maintaining a healthy salt intake level is vital. Here are some practical tips to reduce your salt consumption:

Read Labels

Check the nutritional content on packaged foods to see their sodium levels. Choose products with lower sodium whenever possible.

Eat Fresh

Fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, and lean meats naturally contain less salt than processed and canned foods. Eating more fresh foods can help you maintain a healthy salt intake.

Season Wisely

Use spices, herbs, lemon, lime, and other flavor enhancers instead of salt when cooking. This helps reduce salt intake without compromising taste.

Cook at Home

Prepare meals at home as often as possible. This way, you control how much salt goes into your food. Many restaurants and fast-food chains use a lot of salt, making it challenging to keep your intake low.

Gradual Reduction

Gradually reducing your salt intake can make it easier for your taste buds to adjust. Over time, this helps you maintain a low-salt diet.

Choose Unsalted Snacks

Swap salty snacks like chips and salted nuts for unsalted alternatives like fruit, veggie sticks, plain popcorn, and unsalted nuts. This simple change can lower your daily salt intake.

Avoid Highly Salted Foods

Try to avoid foods known for high salt content, such as deli meats, canned goods, pickled vegetables, broths, ready meals, and fast food. These items can quickly increase your salt intake.

Patience is Key

Remember that dietary changes take time, and patience is important. Gradually reducing your salt intake and making conscious choices can improve your health in the long run.

Common Table Salt

How is Table Salt Extracted?

Table salt can be extracted from underground salt mines, where large amounts of salt are found in rock formations. Miners drill and blast the salt from the rock, then transport it to the surface in large chunks or blocks. These blocks are crushed, ground, and refined to produce the fine, white table salt we are familiar with. During the refining process, certain trace minerals and impurities are removed, and iodine may be added to create iodized salt.

Evaporation of Saltwater

Salt can also be extracted by evaporating saltwater. In this process, water from saltwater sources, such as the sea, is pumped into large evaporation ponds. The sun and wind cause the water to evaporate, leaving salt crystals on the pond floor. These crystals are collected, washed, dried, and refined to produce table salt. Just like mined salt, iodine can be added during refining to create iodized salt.

Purity and Availability

Regardless of the extraction method, table salt undergoes a refining process to ensure it is pure and safe to use. Refined table salt has a fine consistency and is typically the cheapest and most widely available type of salt.

Mineral Salt

What is Mineral Salt?

Mineral salt, also known as sea salt or rock salt, often contains more minerals than regular table salt. These minerals can include magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which are all important for bodily functions. Although these minerals make mineral salt slightly more nutritious than regular salt, the differences are generally small and may not significantly impact your health.

Sodium in Mineral Salt

When it comes to sodium content, mineral salt and regular salt are usually very similar. Since excessive sodium intake is linked to health problems like high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, it is more important to focus on reducing your overall salt intake rather than just switching from regular salt to mineral salt. If you choose to use mineral salt, it is still crucial to be mindful of your total salt intake and follow daily intake recommendations.


What is Seltin?

Seltin is a product that combines sodium chloride (regular salt) with potassium chloride. The goal of this blend is to create a salt product with lower sodium content. This can be beneficial for individuals looking to reduce their sodium intake to improve their health.

Benefits of Seltin

Since excessive sodium intake can contribute to health issues like high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, using Seltin instead of regular salt can be healthier for some people. The potassium chloride in Seltin can also help balance the effects of sodium on blood pressure, as potassium is known to help lower blood pressure.

Himalayan Salt

What is Himalayan Salt?

Himalayan salt, also known as pink salt, is a type of rock salt mined from the Khewra salt mine in the Punjab region of Pakistan, located at the foothills of the Himalayas. The pink salt is known for its distinctive pink color, which comes from trace minerals such as iron, potassium, and magnesium.

Uses of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is often considered a more natural and unprocessed alternative to regular table salt due to its trace mineral content. It is commonly used in cooking and as a finishing touch for various dishes due to its unique flavor and color. It is also used in bath salts and other skincare products, as well as in decorative lamps and air purifiers.

Health Impact

Although Himalayan salt contains more trace minerals than regular table salt, the differences in mineral content are usually minor and may not have a significant impact on your health. Like regular table salt, Himalayan salt primarily consists of sodium chloride.

Sea Salt

Extraction of Sea Salt

Sea salt is extracted from seawater through evaporation. In this process, water evaporates, leaving salt crystals behind, which are then harvested and used for cooking and other purposes. Sea salt is often less processed than regular table salt and can have a coarser texture and slightly different flavor.

Minerals in Sea Salt

Sea salt contains small amounts of trace minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which come from seawater. These trace minerals can give sea salt a slightly different flavor profile than regular salt. However, it is important to remember that sea salt also contains sodium and should be used in moderation.

Fleur de Sel

What is Fleur de Sel?

Fleur de sel, meaning “flower of salt” in French, is a premium, high-quality type of sea salt that is hand-harvested from the surface of seawater. It forms when wind and sun together create small salt crystals on the water’s surface. These crystals are traditionally harvested by hand using wooden rakes or other suitable tools.

Uses of Fleur de Sel

Fleur de sel has a delicate flavor and fine texture, which makes it highly prized as a finishing salt. It is used to enhance the flavors of dishes, especially fish, meat, vegetables, and chocolate. Due to its unique production method and limited availability, fleur de sel is often more expensive than other types of salt.

Kosher Salt

What is Kosher Salt?

Kosher salt is a type of salt with a coarser grain than regular table salt. The name comes from its use in Jewish cooking and koshering meat, where the salt is used to draw out blood from the meat according to Jewish dietary laws. It’s important to note that kosher salt itself is not necessarily kosher but is used in the process of making food kosher.

Benefits of Kosher Salt

Kosher salt has some advantages over regular table salt, particularly in cooking. The coarser grains make it easier to handle and spread evenly over food, and it dissolves quickly. Additionally, kosher salt tastes less salty than regular table salt due to its grainy structure, which means it can be used in larger amounts without making the food too salty.


Monitoring your salt intake is crucial for your health. By choosing the right type of salt and following daily intake recommendations, you can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Remember to read labels, eat fresh, season with herbs, and cook at home to maintain a healthy salt level. With patience and conscious choices, you can develop a diet that supports your long-term health.